2025 Bible Reading Plan

Join us as we endeavor to read through the Bible in 2025:
Recommended resources:
Read along in an ESV Study Bible. You may benefit from glancing at the study notes when you find yourself curious to understand what you are reading.
Read God's Big Picture by Vaughan Roberts. Roberts provides a concise summary of the Bible's story from Genesis to Revelation. This will provide you a map to guide you while you read.
Read The Big Picture Story Bible by David Helm. Helm's story Bible for children also serves adults. Hear the big themes of Scripture throughout the Bible's story.
Read What is Biblical Theology? by Jim Hamilton. Hamilton summarizes the Bible's story and explains how to understand various patterns and themes throughout it.
Questions to keep in mind while you read:
What is God like?
How does this point to Jesus?
What stirs your affection for the Triune God?
What truth could you meditate on today?
What truth could you share with someone today?
What truth could inform your prayers today?
Words of advice:
The point is to be reading your Bible—not to finish the Bible reading plan.
Our hope is that your affection for the Triune God would be stirred, not that this effort would be burdensome.
Block out time—know when and where you plan to do this reading.
Audio counts! Consider listening to the day's reading. Listen as you read or use audio to make up what you've missed.
Remember that though all Scripture is equally inspired, not all of it is easy to follow. It may be prudent to skim some places of Scripture while you slow down in others.
You could choose to read through only the OT or NT rather than both.
If you fall behind, pick up where we are. Making up what you missed is optional.
Keep track of questions while you read and then talk with another member about them.
Need to know what passages to read? Select your desired date to find out:
Passages to read:
Download the PDF version of the reading plan